ERNJ was established to support New Jersey educators in meeting the oft time overwhelming need for professional education and administrative services. Having experienced the rigor and demands of today’s educational environment we have brought together a select group of experienced professionals to meet those needs.
David has over 30 years of experience working in school districts across the state (ranging from high needs to affluent), preparing students for the opportunities to succeed in various roles including teacher, principal, and superintendent. His research and work regarding the infusion of technology, instructional leadership, and equity for all have been mainstays throughout his career. In addition to his education background, David has previously served as a city councilman and county freeholder allowing him insight into the behind-the-scenes politics that affect the education world.
With over 30 years of experience in NJ schools, Bill has successfully raised the level of service quality while simultaneously streamlining administrative practices and lowering operating costs. From local K-8 districts to regional K-12s, the hallmark of Bill’s work has been to create a sound and efficient business environment that fully supports educational objectives. He has served in various operational roles from Director of District Operations to School Business Administrator. Bill has a Master’s Degree in Management and is SBA, QPA and CEFM certified.