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We offer a number of workshops perfect for educators at all different levels. If you find a workshop that you are interested in learning more about, please reach out to ERNJ to get additional information or visit our Upcoming Workshops page to find when the next workshop is available.

Catalog: Welcome

our workshops

All our workshops are created to focus on a variety of disciplines to help equip educational professionals from all backgrounds with the tools they need on a daily basis. Take a look through our categories for Virtual LearningAdministrator TrainingEquity, Bias, and Diversity, Support Services, and The Classroom to learn more. 

Catalog: Text

Virtual Learning

Catalog: List

Classroom Management in the Virtual Environment

Online teaching is a challenge already - now how do you deal with classroom management? This workshop will provide educators with strategies in behavior and classroom management strategies for the virtual environment. Participants will learn positive ways to improve student behavior and ways to build positive relationships with students where respect for everyone is valued.

Engaging and Motivating all Students in a Hybrid Environment

Motivating and engaging students in the elementary and middle schools has always been a challenge. Doing so now, with the structural challenges of a virtual and hybrid environment can be a daunting task. In this workshop, participants will work at reducing the distractions that K-8 students face and be presented with effective everyday strategies that they can utilize to motivate and engage students.

Guided Reading in a Virtual Environment

Guided reading provides differentiated support for students to develop reading proficiency. But how do I do this on Zoom or Google? This workshop will give participants strategies to effectively conduct guided reading groups through "breakout rooms" and Google Meets.

Beyond Breakout Rooms - Engaging Students in Collaborative Strategies

(For grades 6-12) Student engagement has always been the key to student learning - and also the challenge. Keeping students engaged in a "normal" setting was hard enough, but how do we do that now? In this workshop, participants will go beyond just "breakout rooms" and explore proven strategies to maximize student engagement and, in turn, student learning.

Literacy Learning Wherever You Are I

For K-5 educators. Knowing how to engage students within a virtual learning environment while holding them accountable for learning can be a challenge.  In this session, discover interactive strategies and engaging activities designed to motivate students in exploring, thinking deeply, making choices, and demonstrating their learning.  With a focus on literacy, this session is designed for elementary teachers, literacy coaches, ELA supervisors, reading specialists, reading interventionists, curriculum coordinators, para-professionals, special education teachers, gifted and talented teachers, and enrichment teachers.

Literacy Learning Wherever You Are II

For grades 6-12 educators. Knowing how to engage students within a virtual learning environment while holding them accountable for learning can be a challenge.  In this session, discover interactive strategies and engaging activities designed to motivate students in exploring, thinking deeply, making choices, and demonstrating their learning.  With a focus on literacy, this session is designed for elementary teachers, literacy coaches, ELA supervisors, reading specialists, reading interventionists, curriculum coordinators, para-professionals, special education teachers, gifted and talented teachers, and enrichment teachers.

7 Steps For Your Remote Instruction

For K-8. Based on the best practices for remote learning, we will delve deeper into ways to keep learning focused and fresh both online and off. Keep it simple, stimulating, and strategic.

Designing Digital Portfolios

Empower your student's agency (Grades 6-12). Using digital portfolios in one content area or across content areas in this hybrid learning environment will empower students to present their learning to fellow students, teachers, and parents during parent -teacher conferences. By doing so, we are guiding students to have voice, choice and become advocates of their learning. Teachers will also learn how to facilitate a student-led conference where the teacher becomes the guide on the side and the student demonstrates their successes, areas of growth and next moves for progress.

How to Create For and With Students

Engage, explain and entertain with infographics (Grades 3-12). Research shows that the brain processes information 60,000 times faster through infographics; this is because we are visually wired. Infographics are easy to digest, fun to create and share and extremely engaging. In this workshop, teachers will learn how to use infographics as a teaching platform to engage, explain and entertain students. Using written, visual, and tactile elements, students will grasp concepts across content areas in a meaningful manner. Participants will  understand the nuts and bolts of infographics, how to create one as an instructional tool,  and how to teach students to develop a simple to complex infographic as a vehicle in demonstrating their learning and skill mastery creatively. 

This workshop is based on the work of Steven Anderson creator of #edchat and author of "The Tech-Savvy Administrator: How do I Use Technology to be a Better School Leader."

Teacher Training: Danielson

This training includes initial or refresher training for teachers receiving evaluations using the Danielson teacher evaluation models. Participants will receive a thorough overview of the respective evaluation model. In addition, best practices for preparing for the evaluation will be reviewed and practiced through collaborative activities.

Online Tools for the Busy Teacher

This presentation will focus on finding various online resources for teachers that will make their day run more smoothly. With the onslaught of more paperwork and distracted students, teachers need to keep their schedules in order. Examples will include focusing on numerous Google apps as well as a handful of some of the best online resources for creating efficiency in an otherwise hectic day.

Remote/Blended Settings

One of the greatest challenges in a remote/blended setting is re-imagining a way to evaluate student understanding in a system where you can't be WITH that student for face to face support. How can you differentiate tasks to help ALL students show their understanding in a way that is not completely exhausting for you or the students?

What Tools for What Tasks

With hundreds or thousands of tools available, it is hard to figure out which tools are the best to satisfy the needs of specific content, tasks, and learning styles. We will walk through the best tools (mostly free) for different purposes and how to maximize without having to learn everything from scratch.

Math in a Remote/Blended Environment I

Strategies for elementary school educators. Math relies on constant quick checks for understanding and being able to break down a student's understanding (and misunderstandings) so as to better help them build a solid foundation of learning. How can we do this if we aren't circulating and checking their work 1:1 on a regular basis in the classroom? What are some tools and strategies that can support the feedback loop and strong math discussions in a remote/blended environment?

Math in a Remote/Blended Environment II

Strategies for middle school educators. Math relies on constant quick checks for understanding and being able to break down a student's understanding (and misunderstandings) so as to better help them build a solid foundation of learning. How can we do this if we aren't circulating and checking their work 1:1 on a regular basis in the classroom? What are some tools and strategies that can support the feedback loop and strong math discussions in a remote/blended environment?

Math in a Remote/Blended Environment III

Strategies for high school educators. Math relies on constant quick checks for understanding and being able to break down a student's understanding (and misunderstandings) so as to better help them build a solid foundation of learning. How can we do this if we aren't circulating and checking their work 1:1 on a regular basis in the classroom? What are some tools and strategies that can support the feedback loop and strong math discussions in a remote/blended environment?

Virtual Learning Space I

Engaging and motivating grades K-4 in a remote learning environment. Knowing how to engage students within a virtual learning environment while holding them accountable for learning can be a challenge. In this session, discover interactive strategies and engaging activities designed to motivate students in exploring, thinking deeply, making choices, and demonstrating their learning. Whether teaching students on-line or on land, this workshop will help you to prepare and plan for a fantastic start to the school year. With a focus on literacy, this session is designed for teachers, literacy coaches, ELA supervisors, reading specialists, reading interventionists, curriculum coordinators, para-professionals, special education teachers, gifted and talented teachers, and enrichment teachers.

Virtual Learning Space II

Engaging and motivating grades 5-8 in a remote learning environment. Knowing how to engage students within a virtual learning environment while holding them accountable for learning can be a challenge. In this session, discover interactive strategies and engaging activities designed to motivate students in exploring, thinking deeply, making choices, and demonstrating their learning. Whether teaching students on-line or on land, this workshop will help you to prepare and plan for a fantastic start to the school year. With a focus on literacy, this session is designed for teachers, literacy coaches, ELA supervisors, reading specialists, reading interventionists, curriculum coordinators, para-professionals, special education teachers, gifted and talented teachers, and enrichment teachers.

Administrator Training

Catalog: List

Admin Training: Danielson

This full day training will prepare administrators to conduct teacher evaluations using the Danielson teacher evaluation models. Participants will receive a thorough overview of the respective evaluation model. In addition, best practices for evaluating staff will be reviewed and practiced through collaborative activities

Admin Training: McREL

This full day training will prepare administrators to conduct teacher evaluations using the McREL teacher evaluation models. Participants will receive a thorough overview of the respective evaluation model. In addition, best practices for evaluating staff will be reviewed and practiced through collaborative activities.

Admin Training: Marzano

This full day training will prepare administrators to conduct teacher evaluations using the Marzano teacher evaluation models. Participants will receive a thorough overview of the respective evaluation model. In addition, best practices for evaluating staff will be reviewed and practiced through collaborative activities.

Admin Training: Strong

This full day training will prepare administrators to conduct teacher evaluations using the Strong teacher evaluation models. Participants will receive a thorough overview of the respective evaluation model. In addition, best practices for evaluating staff will be reviewed and practiced through collaborative activities.

Learn How to Make it Right

Participants will learn the purpose and framework of RTI, the meaning and differences between the 4 Purposes of assessment and resources for each of the three tiers (Universal Screener, Progress Monitoring, Diagnostic and Summative). Participants should bring data used in their current RTI program and a laptop/tablet if possible.

Equity, Bias, and Diversity

Catalog: List

Diversity Training

The demographic makeup of our students, schools, and communities are changing. You need to ensure that you, and your entire staff, are prepared to meet the needs of today’s students. In our ever changing globally diverse society, the need for cultural diversity and awareness is key. We have developed this insightful, engaging, and reflective training to assist you in meeting the needs of your staff and students. It also provides “stem to stern” legal coverage to assist and enhance your current Human Resource Team’s efforts to provide a safe, secure, and positive work environment.

This training meets the Equity Training Requirements set forth in N.J.A.C. 6A:7- 1.6.

Culturally Responsive Classroom

Culturally responsive teaching is a student focused approach that identifies not only the differences between students but the unique strengths of each child to encourage their academic achievement and sense of belonging in the classroom. It  requires that individuals be culturally competent. This competency is having an awareness of one's own cultural identity and views/bias about difference, and the ability to learn and build on the varying cultural experiences and norms of students and their families.

Diversity + Cultural Awareness Training

The demographic makeup of our students, schools, and communities are changing. You need to ensure that you, and your entire staff, are prepared to meet the needs of today’s students. In our ever changing globally diverse society, the need for cultural diversity and awareness is key. We have developed this insightful, engaging, and reflective training to assist you in meeting the needs of your staff and students.

The Understanding Gap

The Achievement Gap is one of the most pressing issues in the world of education today, but how many educators truly understand what it is or what causes it? This “Understanding Gap” will be explored as we examine the underlying causes of the achievement gap and explore ways to eliminate it. Attendees will participate in self-reflection activities as well as examine their own internal thoughts and subsequent actions. All in an effort to better “understand” our students as we strive to give them an opportunity to reach higher levels of success.

The Reality of Perceptions

Throughout this session we will examine how our perceptions often create present and future realities. Implicit biases will be explored and examined. The media and how it presents the topics of today will be discussed and analyzed for how perceptions may have contributed to the actions of those involved. As educators, we will also discover, or hopefully re-discover, how our core values should play a part in our decision making process.

In the Midst of Racial Turmoil

Schools are currently contemplating on ways to have students be safely reintegrated back into the school environment.  Groups of stakeholders are finding themselves coming up with more questions than they are able to answer.  Outside of the schematics involved in educating students while practicing social distancing, teachers and school leaders are now also faced with the realities involved in welcoming students back to school in the midst of disintegrating race relations in our country. Students have witnessed the lives of men and women taken from them at the hands of police along with other systemic injustices.  How should educators approach the discussion of race in the classroom and how do they facilitate these changes at their level?  

This is a 2-day workshop includes open-forum based discussions and explanations.  

Support Services

Catalog: List

Dyslexia: Defined and Understood

Researchers know more than ever before about identifying and planning appropriate interventions for students with Dyslexia.  This presentation reviews the most recent Dyslexia legislation and the primary impact it has on the development of foundational reading. We will define dyslexia, discuss how it is diagnosed and provide multi-sensory strategies to support teachers in assisting students.

English Language Learners

In this training, we will explore effective strategies for teaching English Language Learners and discuss the top questions that teachers of ELLs have.  In addition, participants will have an opportunity to submit their top three questions prior to the training.

Break Free to Avoid Burnout

This interactive workshop is designed to provide participants with effective techniques to avoid burnout by changing their mindset around stress. Participants will engage in meaningful experiences that leave them feeling equipped and empowered to deal with daily stressors in the classroom and beyond. This workshop is all about YOU!! Activities include setting intentions and creating inevitable success, mindful breathing techniques, social emotional learning (S.E.L) activities and more.

Sheltered Instruction

Sheltered Instruction is an instructional model that is designed to make academic content accessible to English Language Learners.  It fits the recommended model of culturally responsive education and seeks to address language proficiency, academic skills, and content knowledge.  In this training, we will introduce and explore the strategies of Sheltered Instruction. A plan will be provided for teachers to complete their training in order to qualify for the 15-hour Sheltered Instruction training as per the State requirement.

Best Practices for Para-Professionals

This session is for both paraprofessionals and classroom teachers. Topics will include student supports, behavior management, the duties and essential qualities needed for paraprofessionals, and effective student assistance techniques.

School Counselor Conference

Finally, a day dedicated to the needs of the school counselor. The day will focus on supporting you as you support your students. This interactive session will examine current trends and resources to assist you. You will spend time as an entire group as well as having the opportunity to work with counselors in similar school configurations (elementary school, middle school, high school).

Resources for School Psychologists

This workshop will examine theory, research, and practice of current trends and resources for the school psychologist. Participants will have the opportunity to work with, and learn from others, in their field in various group activities and discussions. This collaborative session will increase your knowledge base and support network.

Special Education Law 101

Special education rules and regulations can be an area of concern for all administrators. This session will help you navigate the often times confusing world of special education. Learn the “Do's and Don'ts” with a legal perspective from experienced and knowledgeable legal counsel. This is a must for all administrators as you try to keep up with the ever changing landscape of special education.

Sheltered Instruction

Sheltered Instruction is an instructional model that is designed to make academic content accessible to English Language Learners.  It fits the recommended model of culturally responsive education and seeks to address language proficiency, academic skills, and content knowledge.  In this training, we will introduce and explore the strategies of Sheltered Instruction. A plan will be provided for teachers to complete their training in order to qualify for the 15-hour Sheltered Instruction training as per the State requirement.

The Classroom

Catalog: List

Co-Teaching: Why and How?

For years you have heard about co-teaching and may have even participated in it. Are you still unsure about what it is supposed to look like and how it is supposed to function?  Would you like to increase your practice or that of instructors in your charge?  Come out and learn about the various co-teaching models and how to implement them.

The ABCs of STEAMaker Education

Walk out of this workshop with new ideas and strategies to engage your students in meaningful learning. For K-5 teachers, coaches, and educational leaders

High Quality PBL in Five Steps

Turn any unit into a PBL unit in five steps! We will walk through planning and assessing a PBL unit for any topic. Come with your own topic and together we'll transform it into a Project Based Learning unit.

Finding the Best Fit for Learning

Explore the why and how of finding the best fit for all students. Few people would consciously put themselves in awkward and uncomfortable shoes daily simply because those shoes fit someone else’s ideals. While most people can agree that creating differentiated avenues for learning are more important than comfy shoes, the numbers for actual implementation do not always support it. Therefore, this session will briefly explore the importance of this topic, examine general means of differentiating, and then brainstorm take home strategies to be used immediately in all subject areas and grade levels.

Read It, Say It, Tap It

This workshop is perfect for K-3 teachers who are teaching students to read through a multi-sensory approach. Participants will learn how to teach in an explicit and systematic way to teach phonemic awareness and phonics.

Putting the "Thinking" Back in Math

Join Brad Spicer, author of Thinking About Math: A Cross-Curricular Collection of Problem-Based Story Tasks. This workshop will show how math can come to life through integrating problem-based performance tasks into middle school mathematics classrooms. Today's students need to be able to think critically and be able to analyze and solve complex problems in real-world contexts.  They need to learn to work cooperatively in teams and small groups and find out how to demonstrate both written and verbal communication skills. Students need to learn to not only become conceptual learners and problem solvers, but they must portray a certain level of resiliency and perseverance along the way.

ABC, 123: On Your Way to PreK

This workshop will examine theory, research, and practice of current trends and resources for the school psychologist. Participants will have the opportunity to work with, and learn from others, in their field in various group activities and discussions. This collaborative session will increase your knowledge base and support network. Learn best practices in curriculum, instruction, and assessment

Addressing and Adapting to Learning Gaps with Grace and Grit K-12

As districts begin to design their full re-entry in September, developing and sustaining a plan to address academic learning loss, and the social-emotional needs of students and faculty due to COVID-19 will be of utmost priority. Join us as we discuss the vital importance for teachers to be provided with time to reflect and learn how they can re-energize to approach their daily work with grace, resilience, and compassion. This workshop is for teachers, supervisors, school leaders, coaches and curriculum directors.

Google Tools for the New or Nervous

This session is intended to help you feel more "comfortable" using Google Classroom tools and suggests some "smarter" ways to integrate other Google tools to help provide solutions for a broad base of everyday classroom tasks.

©2017 by Educational Resources of New Jersey

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